"When I asked Dee from Slumbering Hound to make cushions for our school Therapy Dog, Maisy, we had a chat about a bespoke “uniform” for her. I gave Dee two of our school badges and she produced a wonderful garment that Maisy wears with pride when on duty.
Maisy sits in with students who may be having difficulties, either at home or in school, and also attends some of the counselling sessions. The students really get a lot out of having Maisy here (as do the staff) as she has such a lovely temperament and is really calming. We have a rota of Mental Health Champions from the Sixth Form who take her for walks during break and lunch times. The lower school students can book times to join the walk to spend time with Maisy or to speak to the older students about any worries they may have.
The cushions that Dee made are ideal and we have three of them in school. One in my office where she stays when she is not working, one in our Student Services office for when she is with students and one in the counselling room. They are beautifully made and perfect for Maisy.
Headteacher’s PA